Fighting the invisible


Will start in an unusual way, but I was watching a small video about the latest instagram of Johnny Deep. 

It moved me. How his words were compassionate, caring and meaningful. 

As an artist, was complicated to keep going i my field in such a period of chaos. When so many people (including myself and my people) were copping with the anxiety of staying healthy, to keep buying food, to keep paying the rent., keeping their job, business...

Then he said (after the oh so necessary wishes that all of you are ok, and safe, and the so obvious support for all the obstacles, crisis, down fall many of us are going through), that we should use this unwanted isolation and slow down, to create something to brighten someone's day. To keep nourishing our soul, even in the deepest fears. 

This is were I reconnected to the idea of keeping creating music, keeping putting words on emotions; to do something meaningful, armful, and at least to help someone to pass his/her time in a more positive way. 

My heart is still heavy, and confused putting those words down. 

But, I want to share nonetheless, we (our tiny team of two) started

- to update all the social medias with the new material we had been collected in the period of time we were still performing. 

-to create a Patreon community

-to schedule the goodies for the community (the first life video will be available on Patreon tomorrow

-to change our process  on the outside from dying to have the music attention to building our community strength to  create blogs, Cover youtube HQ videos, Live performances streaming, original songs HQ recordings and place this music in the film industry

-to change our process in the inside switching from a paralyzing perfectionism to a consistency

Hope my words make sense. In a way. 

All to say, stay safe, well and as happy as possible.

We'll get through this with a higher sense of care to each other, and more sense  in our lives. 

A bientôt