
Hello everyone, 

I will be straight to the point; I am exhausted. 

Each day is a battle, and the battle is to find sense within the day. It's fight to plug to my happiness. Every single hour. 

Sorry to be that frontal. I am still optimistic this has to be a  transitional period. Even I was miraculously not directly concerned by Covid, I feel the mourning and  I want to be a part of it. 

Better time are coming, I feel it.

Once for all (and a reminder for myself) ; t's ok not to feel well. It's ok to feel overwhelmed and exhausted. I's ok to be scared and to feel emptied. 

Why pretending to feel ok,  and to fake an advertising-friendly  socially-acceptable happiness? On the bad days, shoudn't we just find a balance in the truth. And not pretending the new normal is acceptable? That we would ok to be  blind or silent  to the suffering all around? It's not complaining, it's to be real. And human. 

Somehow, it might be one of the lessons of this fall down.  On the bad days, not to try at any cost to feel happy, but just to target a balance and empathetic response. 

Still in seek to be an ACTIVE live musician, and to share some regenerating music, let's meet on this coming Saturday for some french bossas. At 6pm. Will be on youtube live, so no worries for the European times;)

By the way, funny enough, it's while the world is collapsing that I have been hired for one of the most meaningful musical project I have ever be a part of. It's a Tish project, on the musical Elegies for Angels, Punks and Raging Queens. Will share more soon.

I hate recording (for the pressure it puts on my sensitive shoulders); I mean it. I HATE IT. 

But, this time, I end up crying (because the music/lyrics/musicians/singers/musical director are BOMBS) and having goosepumps while practicing for it. I think I met my dream recording team. For real. 

See on Saturday (and later...)

Hang in there,


A bientôt,
